This lightweight and portable Tool cleans the Media-Cache created by several Adobe programms like Premiere Pro, After Effects and the Media Encoder. The Media-Cache is used to store Video & Audio previews like Thumbnails, Waveforms ect. and can grow up to several hundred gigabytes in size over time, even if these files aren’t needed anymore after a project is finished.

After deleting the Media-Cache, NOTHING will change in already existing projects. The only thing that has to happen after re-opening a project (which has no more existing Media-Cache-Files), is that the Media-Cache must be created again … (the little bar at the bottom right in Premiere that appears when Files are imported) … this happens automatically, so it is 100% safe to use.

Media Cache Cleaner 1.6
I’ve only tested this with the Adobe CS5  & CS6 Master Suite (EN / GER), but there is a high possibility that the Tool also works with Adobe’s CC Editions.

Download: Media Cache Cleaner for Adobe (Version 1.6 , 70 KB , Windows only)

This Tool is 100% free and doesn’t need a installation! If you want to share „Media Cache Cleaner“ with others, please only share the Link to this article and not the direct download-link to the file. If you want to share/host this Tool on your Website, ASK ME FIRST! Thanks!

// Coded by Alexander Bräunig © 2014
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